If you think office hygiene is fairly low down the order of economic impacters, think again.
“In 2013, substandard office hygiene is estimated to have cost the UK economy £13.7 billion”*
There’s no getting away from germs in an office environment, and reception areas, corridors, desks and meeting rooms can be just as bad as kitchens and bathrooms. Norovirus, Rhinovirus and E.Coli, along with bacteria including Campylobacter lurk on kitchen benches, toilets, desk tops, keyboards and door handles to name a few. These little beauties can cause anything from the common cold to skin infections, gastroenteritis and respiratory diseases.
“39% of workers say their level of job satisfaction would be higher if workplace hygiene were better”*
Not only does this cost you in time taken off work by sick employees, but studies also show that workers’ happiness and subsequent productivity would be vastly improved if their offices had better hygiene in place.
“1 in 4 (27%) don’t wash their hands each time they visit the washroom”*
Good hand washing and drying products are the first step to beating infection in the workplace, but regular and deep cleaning – preferably by a professional who will do a thorough job – is also vital. If your office requires a regular, deep clean, or if you have an existing cleaner but need a thorough professional spring clean to keep on top of any nasties, give the experts at SteamCleanz a call.
Image credit (top): http://www.thehygienecompany.com/desk-hygiene-facts